*Originally published 2/12/12 on Blogger**
Every since I was a boy I was one that had an opinion and who spoke his mind. Inevitably this led to some interesting times as a child in school and at home. As I grew up I would always say what I thought and to let anyone know my opinion. When I was in college I would read articles and books. Oftentimes I would agree with something the author said and I would think, "I have been saying that for years.".
Up until the invention of social media I had few ways of expressing my unique viewpoint. I wrote letters to the editor on things like the Lewinsky scandal, banking and the black church, and other subjects but never got published. Time and time again I would look at doing a blog and would ultimately come away without committing to doing it.
Well, today I am committing to a blog. Committed to putting my opinion out there to be viewed, discussed, and dissected by the world. My hope is to help people have a better understanding of things in their daily lives like politics, faith, family, public policy, music, and the like. I don't claim to know everything but I am a person of integrity who wants to help make the world a better place, who wants to empower others, who wants to be an agent of change in the world.
To that end I write this first blog. I hope you enjoyed it.