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Blocking the Flow of The Spirit

Originally posted on blogger on 11/2/14

This Sunday we had a guest minister, Brad Flook. He is a great man of God who operates in prophetic ministry, not to mention an apostolic one. Anyway, as an usher I am always a little reticent about having to be there twice on Sundays and two or three weekdays Needless to say I am not always the most excited about having to do things. Now, there is are several lessons I could go off into here including the rewards of serving, but I want to focus one or two in particular.

In the morning session Brother Brad talked about the release of God's abundance of blessings like health, wealth, joy, peace, etc and how we must release it ourselves. In the evening session the release was made manifest as he prayed over people for healing and then people who were healed prayed for others who needed the manifestation of their healing.

Like so many people I was spectating, which can happen being an usher, waiting to see who I needed to catch or help up. Brother Brad admonished us not to spectate and become active participants. At some point I decided I was going to pray and believe that my knee was healed. Oh, my knee had begun to hurt, almost lock up, whereby it was hard to move, which was a knee thing. Yesterday, I went to play tennis and it locked up on me while playing. To be honest, it had bothered me several times over the last few months but I decided it was going to work right and moved on.

As soon as I decided to believe on God for my knee's healing Brother Brad came over and asked who had the issue with their knee. Reluctantly I stood up. He, by the Spirit of Truth, prayed over me. He talked about how my knee had cartilage that had been destroyed and that it was being restored. He prayed over my heart too, and I had a recent issue where I had pains in my chest, but never told anyone. He decreed God's healing over me.

The odd thing is that all the while I felt God's power over me I was still thinking, still processing, still trying to determine this or that. Point being my mind was trying to assert itself over the power of God. Truth be told that is a major problem for me towards walking out God's glory. My mind, which at one time was the bane of my existence, tried to maintain it's dominance. Inevitably this limits me, and in this case almost blocked me from walking in God's healing annointing.

Moreover, when another person laid hands on my knees per my healing and Brother Brad released God's power on me, I blocked the flow by not wanting to fall. This wasn't a conscious effort to think about not falling but again my mind was processing, when my spirit was trying to maintain a point of contact with God.

I finally did fall in the spirit, and later tried to get up, which was not good because I was still drunk in the spirit. I got up, walked up and around in the spirit, and ultimately was on the floor basking in God's tender mercy. Later on, another person laid hands on me and a spirit of joy came upon me. And yet again I was more worried about not falling than laying hold of that joy.

All in all it was a great night in the Lord but I was reminded that the mind is truly the enemy of the spirit. I know that there is much I must do to submit fully to God's spirit, and that by doing so I can enjoy an abundance of joy, peace, health, and wealth. I encourage you to open yourself to God's spirit and allow it work in your life. God Bless.

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